Friday, July 1, 2011

L-House Update: 22

An L-House Update...

1. I want one of these so badly.  Aren't they cool??

2. This blog makes me chuckle.  And, I quite agree.  Every man should know how to tie a tie...

4.  Summer.  Red mustang convertible.

5. Isn't this site useful?  I found it while I was trying to find the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath.  
(Which I needed to know because of Sherlock.  Of course.)

6. My friend Mariah found this.  Famous writers in their swimsuits!  Oh Truman Capote in all his glory.

7. For all you opera singers out there:
"He could not have entered the Academy at a more significant moment than just as she was singing: 'He loves me-- he loves me not-- he loves me!' and sprinkling the falling daisy petals with notes as clear as dew.  She sang of course, 'M'ama!' and not 'he loves me,' since an unalterable and unquestionable law of the musical world required that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian."
-Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence

8.  She calls this list "husband material

9.  A friend's favorite poem...

10. As Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go to there."

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